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A greatest wiki about Sonic the hedgehog!

Charcter Bios!

Sonic the hedgehog

Sonic is the fast blue hedgehog who is know for his famous blue spaghetti soup. It is made whit the best of ingrindiets! "Grass and blue paint" says Sonic "Those are my secret ingridients." IN the same interview Sonic sayd "You all are colour blind! Im green of course!" proving the theory that Sonic is colour blind.

Tails the fox

An controversial figure in the Sonic the hedgehog world, Tails the fox a 38 year old was exposed to be a sexsual predetor. This destroyed his reputation. He never recoverd from this but many people say that he should not return since of his terible crimes.

Knuckles the enchinda

After the smash hit game "Knucles 3 and Sonic" Knuckles went into an akward time in the Sututrn age. In that time, there were no main line knuckles and only weird spin offs like "Knuckles 3D Blast" and "Knucles R". Thankfully, at the end of the 90s the game "Knuckles Adventure" realeased and it revived the Knuckles series. Through time, the series might have had not so good games like "Knuckles 06" or "Knuckles Boom" but there have been also good games! We will see what will happend in the future!

Amy the g i r l

Amy, is Number 10 on the video "Top 10 hottest female Sonic characters"

Shadow the hedgehog

Shadow is the the edgelord that is star in the game "Shadow the hedgehog", a game that is praised by critics for being one of the best Sonic games in the series. Some even say its the best one!

Rouge the bat

Rouge, is Number 1 on the video "Top 10 hottest female Sonic characters"

Eggman (Robotnik)

His the big bad guy that loves eggs. If he has a fovorite food, it is eggs! He loves them cooked any way! Eggman is in prison for genocide. He is on death row. He is getting killed on 09.12.2024

Silver The hedgehog

Silver the hedgehog inhaled to much steal dust and now he turned white! Silver hates Shadow (we all know why (racism)). Silver the hedgehog is in the hostpital lol.

Blaze the cat

After starring in the movie "Cats" blaze went to Sonic apearing for the first time in "Sonic Steals From The USA 23" where she apeared as a prisoner for burning a neighbourhood.


Nobody gives a shit about Cosmo. Cosmo problably fucked tails idk.

Fang the sniper

Fang is a charcter that has gun. He is problably going to shoot you if you steal his lucky pea.


Sonic the hedgehog (mega drive)

This game is the first Sonic game ever and its amazing! The guest apearance of Mario was a really nice thing and the fact that you are forced to go slow most of the time might be the best thing about this game! Every game after is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: This website isnt finished yet!!!!

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